Building Codes

Building Code Standards

Radon related building practices have been introduced into the federal and provincial building codes. In addition to codes briefly described below, additional regional code requirements exist. If you have questions, feel free to contact our mitigation professionals. 

National Building Code
The National Research Council updated guidance specifies provisions for both large building and residential housing pertaining to radon which include:

Alberta Building Code 

Soil gas mitigation systems, of which radon is included, fall under Part 6 of the Alberta Building Code, introduced in 2016 (ABC 2014). 

The following provisions were introduced to permit radon mitigation system installation in new construction, should it be determined that radon concentrations are in excess of current guidelines.

Above: Alberta Building Code Radon Rough-In Diagram


Yes. New code is helpful if radon is determined to be a problem but it does not eliminate radon from entering the home. Much the same as a new home roughed in with a bathroom doesn't mean you can suds up in the basement, a new home with a radon rough-in is not mitigated and should still be tested.